Saturday, January 24, 2009


By now you know I am beyond an 11th hour kind of person (as is almost every artist friend I have, so I don't feel too guilty about it - I always deliver), and I am finally back in full edit mode. I spent more than seven hours straight last night going over the first 65 minutes of the movie, and I think I lopped off 5 to 8 minutes, which is GREAT. It is so much tighter already. Today I have to go through the remaining 35 minutes and I hope to slice another 4-5 minutes off there. I've only lost a few lines that weren't working, it is mostly shortening pauses or taking out a few things that were redundant or overly expositional. I tell you what, it is a LOT tighter already, and I can't bear the thought of ever watching the rough cut straight through again, it makes me cringe. I am very happy for what it was - a rough cut - but it is time to move on to the next level.

Then I have to lay in the music, and I know that I will need a whole 'nuther pass at the movie after this one because I have been bombarded with Baltimore musicians wanting to be on the soundtrack, on top of the ones I have solicited, and now I have way too much good stuff to choose from! It is a GREAT problem to have, though. I am happy with the movie, I think it is as entertaining romantic comedy with some great performances, and I think it is a little different in how many local artists' work I managed to show off through the course of it. But bottom line, it is a romantic comedy, not anything groundbreaking - but the soundtrack is going to be OFF THE HOOK.

Some of these musicians are my friends, some are friendly acquaintances, and some I have just met. I am so glad to have the opportunity to show them off as well as the visual artists in the movie. When I first started making friends within the creative community of Baltimore, almost 11 years ago, I was so blown away by the talent here, on all fronts. I can't tell you how many people I have met, and still know, and sometimes I just look at them and wonder, "How the hell aren't you famous?" as well as, "How lucky am I to know you?"

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